100 Mile Wilderness

According to Wikipedia, the Hundred-Mile Wilderness is “generally considered the wildest section of the Appalachian Trail, and one of the most challenging to navigate and traverse.”

This is without a doubt the most wild section of the trail, however it’s difficulty was not what I experienced in New Hampshire and Southern Maine. The first 50 miles of the wilderness did contain challenging elevation profiles and technical trail that is to be expected in Maine. Luckily, the last 50 miles were a forgiving cruise and allowed for some relatively flat hiking next to dozens of refreshing lakes, providing a great respite before entering Baxter State Park for the final push.

The challenges of this section included the logistics of navigating such a long section, and the flat out endurance required. The serenity of this amazing area easily made all that trouble worth it. I’ll need to visit again.

One of many river crossings in Maine. I can’t seem to recall a single river with a bridge, unlike many other states on the AT.
A rare encounter with river otters!
View from Chairback Mountain
Massive pine trees in The Hermitage
White Cap Mountain summit
Katahdin timelapse