North Carolina

April 27, 2022

The views from the North Carolina balds are impressive. It’s very easy to see the separation from Georgia just by looking at the terrain, which is certainly more dramatic. As expected, nothing on the AT is flat. The makers always found ways to sneak inclines or declines into the trail, which makes this giant obstacle course all the more fun. Of course, it’s not just the hiking clubs’ fault. The Appalachians are one of the worlds most ancient mountain ranges. Time has carved out this undulating sea of earth from mountains that used to rival the Himalaya in size. As John Denver says, “Life is old there”. 

A few hikers showed me the joys of cowboy camping, which we did multiple nights in a row in the clear weather. There’s nothing like making these amazing panoramas your home and falling asleep under silent shooting stars. I love this simple way of living. We have time to wake at first light and wait for the sunrise.

One morning, as soon as the sun crested the horizon, distant coyotes howled with joy. We smiled, because nothing out of the ordinary was happening. The sun rises every day. The special part was that we were there to witness it’s beauty. It’s amazing how fast the trail brings people together. I’m glad to have found socialization like this, where the act of sharing of these unique experiences brings us together like nothing else. It’s only been a few weeks, but I already have great friends out here.

On Wayah Bald we were met with the surprise of Trail Magic. The Trail doesn’t just bring people together in the moment, it also returns others years later give to back in celebration of it’s majesty. That’s what Trail Magic is all about, enabling others to do what you can no longer afford. Accept all kindness and return favors tenfold when you are able. I will definitely be giving some trail magic next year outside of Asheville. 

I’m so tuned in to the smallest details in my surroundings. I have more mental space to be aware of the small things now. Subtle changes in light, sounds of new or familiar bird songs, or even unfamiliar plants letting me know that I’ve entered some new biome. Even within my body I’m tuned in. I’m using it to it’s fullest each day so I recognize and listen to all of it’s signals, whereas before I believe my lifestyle pushed me to disconnect from what is real. I must say, I feel amazing. I rise with the sun and sleep with the stars. Time is beginning to pass differently. It’s the extended moments that now carve my days, not the minutes and hours. This is how humans are built to function. This is living.